Lovi Bath Fittings


Anchor Wall Mounting Rack Bolt Brass S.No-5052-5053
Washbasin Rack Bolt Screw S.No-5056
CP Geyser Screw with Sleev for Geyser S.No-5061
PVC Waste Pipe Two Way Imported S.No-5066
PVC Waste Pipe Heavy S.No-5070-5071
CP Flexble Connection Wired Stainless Steel S.No-5082-5085
Wall Mounting Rack Bolt SS S.No-5054
Anchor Bolt MS S.No-5057-5058
Sleev Gattii S.No-5062-5064
Ful CP Waste Pipe Imported S.No-5067
PVC Connection Pipe Medium S.No-5072-5076
Connection Pipe Mixer Leg Set S.No-5086-5087
Washbasin Rack Bolt With Cap S.No-5055
Brass Screw S.No-5059-5060
PVC Waste Pipe Imported S.No-5065
PVC Waste Pipe Medium S.No-5068-5069
PVC Connection Pipe Heavy S.No-5077-5081
Brass Connection Pipe Brass Nut S.No-5088-5089
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